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Tea is widely recognized as a superfood packed full of amino acids and antioxidants, GABA tea takes those benefits to the next level. The unique production method, which was discovered in Japan over 30 years ago, has created a tea with high levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

GABA’s benefits are innumerable. From cognitive benefits such as stress relief, relieving insomnia, improving concentration, and improving mood, to physical benefits such as reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, controlling blood sugar, protecting cells and the immune system, the list goes on!

Combining the amazing benefits of tea and the powerful health benefits of GABA, our tea truly is the world’s first #Supertea!

We’ve summarized and simplified the studies of GABA tea’s benefits, and for those who seek to dive deeper, the sources are cited alongside the summary. Some sources are available online, while others are cited in print publications

Let’s dive in shall we?

First, what’s in a cup of oolong tea that makes it so great?


L-Theanine is an amino acid commonly found in tea. Evidence from human electroencephalograph (EEG) studies show that L-Theanine has a direct effect on the brain, increasing activity in the alpha frequency band. Alpha brain activity is linked to reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting relaxation without causing drowsiness. | (2021) / Unilever Food and Health Research Institute (2008)


Antioxidants are molecules that bind to free-radicals to prevent cell and DNA damage. While unstable free-radical molecules cause damage to the cells, DNA, and contribute to aging, antioxidants are stable enough to bind to free-radicals and neutralize them. Some of the prominent antioxidants in oolong tea include catechins, quercetin, myricetin and kaempferol. Plant derived antioxidants protect the body from aging, cancer, inflammation, and allergies. | Pharmacognosy Review (2010) / Better Health


Bioflavonoids, also called flavonoids, are plant molecules found in tea leaves, fruit, wine, and herbs. Bioflavonoids have a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Their antioxidant activity protects the body from damage, allergies, and viruses. Reducing inflammation is critical to preventing illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

While more research is needed into the effects of bioflavonoids and preventing cancer, evidence shows a decrease in cancer rates in individuals with a high flavonoid intake. Research indicates that an intake of 500 mg of bioflavonoids per day may decrease the risk of death from cancer. | (2021)Cancer Therapy Advisor (2019)


Quercetin is considered to be the most widely studied flavonoid. This antioxidant has powerful disease-fighting properties due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and antiviral effects on the body. Quercetin plays a significant role in regulating the immune system’s response to external stress. Research indicates that consuming a diet high in quercetin can help manage inflammatory conditions, such as heart disease, allergies, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune disorders. | Dr. Axe (2019) / National Centre for Biotechnology Information


Polyphenols are a group of plant compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Polyphenols play a significant role in protecting cells from damage and stress caused by ultraviolet light, pathogens, and free-radicals. | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (2009) / (2019)


Tannins are a type of polyphenol characterized by their astringent and bitter flavour. Many reports show that tannins are anti-carcinogenic and are associated with reduced risks of cancer. Tannins have antimicrobial properties, inhibiting the growth of many yeasts, bacteria and viruses. Despite these properties, tea contains high levels of ellagitannin, which may promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. | Critical Reviews in Food Science Nutrition (1998) / (2019)


Caffeine is one of the most widely used natural substances globally. It is a natural stimulant to the central nervous system and metabolism. While caffeine can be harmful if used in excess, it can be beneficial in small doses. It improves alertness by increasing the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, and increases the speed at which messages are transmitted between the brain and body. In those with lower tolerances, caffeine can boost the metabolism and improve fat burning.

On average, a cup of coffee contains roughly 95 mg of caffeine. However, one “cup” can contain anywhere from 30 mg to 700 mg of caffeine. And while most teas range from 0 mg to 55 mg of caffeine, GABA Tea contains only 15 mg of caffeine per 2g serving. | (2017) / (2020)


Catechins are one of the most significant consumable antioxidants which benefits almost every organ system in the body. Catechins are important for the health of the cardiovascular system, liver, and blood vessels. Catechins are neuroprotective, with studies showing their role in cognitive function and preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Studies have also indicated a link between catechins from tea and a decrease in obesity, hyperglycemia, and hypercholesterolemia. | Polyphenols in Human Health and Disease (2014) / Journal of Translational Medicine (2015) / (2020)


Alanine is an amino acid that is used in protein production and immune support. Alanine is used to break down tryptophan, which is essential for serotonin production, mood regulation, cognitive function, and behaviour. It also helps break down vitamin B6. Alanine can help with blood sugar regulation. It assists hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) by aiding glucose delivery to the bloodstream, and increases insulin production and secretion. | URMC Health Encyclopedia / (2020)


Lysine is an essential amino acid with a variety of benefits. Lysine plays a crucial role in the production of enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Because lysine is essential to the production of collagen, it can speed up wound healing and maintain tissue and bone health. Lysine also aids in the absorption of zinc, iron, and calcium. Studies show that lysine not only decreases the amount of calcium lost, it also assists with the transportation of calcium in the body. | Medical News Today (2018) / (2018)


Isoleucine is one of the nine amino acids that humans must obtain through diet. It is concentrated primarily in the muscles. Isoleucine is involved in hemoglobin production, immune support, wound healing, and energy/glucose regulation. Isoleucine helps the body’s detoxification of wastes, such as ammonia. Because it helps with the formation of red blood cells, isoleucine is important for those suffering from anemia or blood loss. | (2018) / News Medical Life Sciences (2019)


Leucine is one of the nine essential amino acids, and plays a significant role in protein synthesis. It’s involved in muscle building and recovery, and preventing muscle loss. It is also essential for regulating several metabolic processes, including insulin response. Leucine has been shown to improve glucose homeostasis which may assist individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Dietary supplementation of leucine can also be effective for treating obesity. | National Centre for Biotechnology Information (2012) / Nutrients (2015)

Now, what are the scientific findings of tea?

Rich in Antioxidants

Tea has been widely recognized as a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are awesome for our health because they neutralize harmful free-radicals, preventing aging and decreasing cell and DNA damage. | The Journal of Nutrition (2003) / Preventive Medicine (2005)

May Help Decrease the Risk of Stroke

A large meta-analysis study of nearly 200,000 participants found a 21% decreased risk of stroke in people who drink 3 cups or more of tea per day, compared to participants who drank less than one cup of tea per day. | Stroke (2009) / National Center for Biotechnology Information (2013)

Improve and Enhance Insulin Production

Tea is a naturally unsweetened beverage and is a great option for diabetics. Studies have shown that tea can enhance insulin response and production. Tea consumed without milk or nondairy additives has been shown to improve insulin activity 15x, and decrease blood sugar levels. | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2002)

Reduction of Risk for Coronary Heart Disease

Tea is an excellent source of antioxidants called flavonoids. After over a decade of studies, clear evidence has shown that drinking as little as three cups of tea per day can decrease your risk of coronary heart disease. Tea flavonoids have also been shown to decrease LDL cholesterol by 11%. | Dr. Axe (2019) / European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2006)

Drinking Tea May Help Prevent the Development of Cancer

The polyphenols concentrated in tea may help prevent the survival of sick cancer cells, by regulating cancer cell growth and decreasing cell development. Studies have looked at the effects of polyphenols on breast cancer and have revealed that they may help stop the spread of breast tumors! The anticancer effects of tea are so great that the National Cancer Institute has even begun sharing this information with patients with the disease, showcasing tea’s standing as a cancer-fighting food. | Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (2006) / European Journal of Cancer (1990)
/ National Cancer Institute (2010)

Now, let’s dive into the science of GABA tea!

What is GABA?

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid and neurotransmitter naturally produced in the brain and body. A neurotransmitter is a molecule sent from one neuron to another, containing on or off instructions, excitatory or inhibitory. GABA facilitates communication among brain cells as our chief inhibitory neurotransmitter.
GABA is not only produced in the brain! Besides the nervous system, GABA is also produced at relatively high levels in the insulin-producing β-cells of the pancreas. GABA plays a vital role in the relationship between insulin and glucagon, and the effects on blood sugar. GABA and GABAergic mechanisms have also been detected in other tissues, including intestines, stomach, fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, testes, kidneys, urinary bladder, the lungs ,and liver, albeit at much lower levels than in neurons or β-cells. | The Neuroscientist (2002) / Print: Print Study: Watanabe et al., 2002, Chapman et al., 1993, He et al., 2001, Opolski et al., 2000, Kleinrok et al., 1998, Minuk, 2000, Davenger et al., 1989, Fletcher et al., 2001

How does GABA work?

GABA is the body’s chief inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means it lowers neural activity in the brain and central nervous system. Think of it like stepping on the brakes to slow down your car. By regulating and decreasing neural activity, GABA reduces mental and physical stress, facilitates sleep, lowers anxiety, and promotes calmness and a positive mood. Additionally, GABA also contributes to regulating the immune system, improving muscle tone, and can help with weight loss. | (2019) / Journal of Clinical Medicine Research (2019)

Working together with glutamate, its excitatory neurotransmitter counterpart, GABA plays a vital role in bringing our body back into balance and homeostasis. While GABA relaxes and calms, glutamate excites and stimulates, and both need to be working together to maintain balance and optimal health. | The Neuroscientist (2002)

How was GABA tea discovered?

In 1984, at the MAFF National Research Institute of Tea in Japan, Dr. Tsushida and his team discovered a new process of tea fermentation. Dr. Tsushida’s method created anaerobic fermentation conditions, with the use of nitrogen flushing in a vacuum canister for 6 to 10 hours. This breakthrough process produced a GABA-rich tea, which managed to capture GABA without altering the content of caffeine or catechins. | Tea in the City (2016)

How much GABA is in GABA tea?

The leaves treated in this oxygen-free, nitrogen rich environment were found to accumulate high concentrations of GABA content in green, oolong and black tea, an increase of about 50x! GABA Tea has 150-400mg of GABA content per 100g of tea and our tea has about 300mg of GABA per 100g. By contrast, conventionally processed tea only has about 5-10mg of GABA content per 100g of tea. |